2×2, the project by Peter Jacquemyn, Sigrid Tanghe, Jan Pillaert and Klaas Verpoest, is a platform for cross-media improvisation performances.
Musical moods, stress, vibration, Rythem and dynamics work similar or contrasting. The whole can be overwhelming and chaotic, and sometimes pure harmony. It is a visual concert, an organic event with its own internal laws and not always that logical.
Peter Jacquemyn – Double Base/Voice
Jan Pillaert – Tuba/Voice
Sigrid tanghe – Live Painting
Klaas Verpoest – Projection
16.12.2015: 3×3 an improvisation with Brody Neuenschwander and Arne Deforce – LUCA School of Arts, Brussels
07.02.2013: M – Museum, Leuven
22.03.2012: Belgische Premiere “2×2″ | Crossroads Festival – Theater Tutti Fratelli, Antwerpen