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Klaas Verpoest (°1975)

Klaas Verpoest is a video artist known for his work at the intersection of diverse artistic disciplines. His journey is deeply rooted in the performing arts, where he engages in cross-disciplinary performances.

In his work, Klaas encounters contemporary music in a unique way. Rather than aiming for a literal translation of the compositions, he synthesises their various elements to create generative abstract images. These visuals serve as personal, idiosyncratic responses to the music, sometimes harmonising closely with the auditory experience, at other times creating deliberate contrasts. This approach allows for a fluid and dynamic interplay, resulting in truly distinctive artistic expressions.

Since 2006, Klaas has been experimenting with live video graphics for contemporary compositions and has collaborated with a wide range of international artists, enriching his creative endeavours both in Belgium and abroad. His passion is to create immersive experiences where visuals and sound dynamically interact, pushing the boundaries of cross-disciplinary performance and generative design.