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    An animation based on the free association of found images. The animation is laid out on the double bass solo ‘Huree 5’ by Peter Jacquemyn.Read More »Huree


      The poem ‘Versporen’ by Chantal Sap has one central theme: the Holocaust trains during WWII, in contrast to the current human migrations in Europe.
      This poem is based on ‘Different Trains’, a three-movement piece for string quartet and tape written by Steve Reich in 1988.Read More »Versporen


        Tita is an animated short based on a random selection of picture-sequences of aquarelle paintings and charcoal drawings. The video edit emphasizes on the cohesion of sound and motion.Read More »Tita

        Sichtlaut Cadeiras

          “Stühle wohin das Auge blickt.
          Der ganze Raum ist gefüllt damit, der Publikumsraum wie die Bühne.
          Ein Meer aus Rückenlehnen, Sitzflächen und Metallverstrebungen;
          die Zuschauer darin niedergelassen wie Schwimmer oder gar Ertrinkende …“
          Christoph IrmerRead More »Sichtlaut Cadeiras