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The Solitary One

    There you are, solitary in the middle of a pitch-black hole. How did you get there, and how could you get out? You’re shouting, screaming, signaling to the outside world, but everything seems to return to you like a boomerang. Nothing can escape the horizon, or does it? Is there something or someone out there who might see or hear your experience inside? 

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    To the Edge of Time

      Time is the most mundane thing in the world. We all use it every day; we waste it, save it, and enjoy it. It’s just out there, like a big clock, ticking away. But what is time? What is it made of? Did it have a beginning? Will it ever end? Does it cycle around? Can we do without time?

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        De Gentse componist Daan Janssens schreef een nieuw werk dat speciaal geconcipieerd werd om een geheel te vormen met Quando Stanno Morendo. (…nada.) is het derde deel uit Jannsens’ cyclus (Paysages – études). De uitvoering is in handen van het Belgische ensemble Aton’&Armide (Benjamin Glorieux and Sara Picavet) en Centre Henri Pousseur.
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        Happy End | Georges Apergis

          A gently paced film animation – a boundless wander through imaginary cities. This long adventure is responded to by Aperghis’ music.
          The project Happy End is the result of a remarkable artistic triangle: the French composer Georges Aperghis, the Belgian visual artists Hans Op de Beeck, Bruno Hardt and Klaas Verpoest and a tale by Charles Perrault (Tom Thumb, Le Petit Poucet).Read More »Happy End | Georges Apergis


            An animation based on the free association of found images. The animation is laid out on the double bass solo ‘Huree 5’ by Peter Jacquemyn.

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