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    Together with my collegue Johan Van Looveren at the Media & Information Design department of LUCA School of Arts, we visualised data collected by a team of European astronomers led by Prof Leen Decin of KU Leuven’s Institute of Astronomy.

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    The Solitary One

      There you are, solitary in the middle of a pitch-black hole. How did you get there, and how could you get out? You’re shouting, screaming, signaling to the outside world, but everything seems to return to you like a boomerang. Nothing can escape the horizon, or does it? Is there something or someone out there who might see or hear your experience inside? 

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        An animation based on the free association of found images. The animation is laid out on the double bass solo ‘Huree 5’ by Peter Jacquemyn.

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          The poem ‘Versporen’ by Chantal Sap has one central theme: the Holocaust trains during WWII, in contrast to the current human migrations in Europe.
          This poem is based on ‘Different Trains’, a three-movement piece for string quartet and tape written by Steve Reich in 1988.Read More »Versporen