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Federico García Lorca

    ‘It was pain itself, singing behind a smile,’ wrote Federico García Lorca, outwardly happy, inwardly torn.

    He didn’t write to please, but to rip open the heart and then restore it, perfected. He left us vivid descriptions of the authentic Spain, where life seems to be an instinctive battle between impossible love and the omnipresence of death.

    Tijdens dit Poëtisch concertparcours gaan we in de muziek, geïnspireerd door Lorca’s schrijfsels, op zoek naar ‘duende’, de donkere ziel van de flamenco, de huiver van de betraande lach.

    Petra Vermote
    Eco del Reloj – Chamber Symphony (world premiere)

    Federico García Lorca (1898-1936)
    Selection from his poetry
    Selection from Canciones Espanolas Antiguas

    za 06 februari 2016: Concertgebouw – Brugge

    Vlaams Sinfonietta: ensemble
    David Ramael: conductor
    Elise Caluwaerts: coloratura soprano
    Klaas Verpoest: visuals

    Diferencias - Caracola

    Diferencias - Caracola

    Diferencias - El nino mudo

    Eco del Reloj - Chamber Symphony