A gently paced film animation – a boundless wander through imaginary cities. This long adventure is responded to by Aperghis’ music.
The project Happy End is the result of a remarkable artistic triangle: the French composer Georges Aperghis, the Belgian visual artists Hans Op de Beeck, Bruno Hardt and Klaas Verpoest and a tale by Charles Perrault (Tom Thumb, Le Petit Poucet).
Composition: Georges Apergis
Animated feature film: Hans Op de Beeck, Bruno Hardt, Klaas Verpoest
Computer Music Production: Sebastien Roux
Musical Performance: Ictus
Conductor: Georges-Elie Octors
A production of ICTUS and OPERA DE LILLE
07-08.12.2007: Opera De Lille – Lille (FR)
23.02.2008: HandelsBeurs – Gent (BE)
09-10.06.2008: Roma (IT)
14.06.2008: Cite De La Musique – Paris (FR)
20.09.2008: KAAITHEATER – Brussel (BE)
23.04.2014: Talea Ensemble, Roulette – Brooklyn, NY (US)
24.04.2017: Talea Ensemble, Zipper Hall – Los Angeles, CA (US)