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De Singel


    With ‘Minerals’, composer Mathias Coppens redefines the traditional relationship between musicians and listeners. Artists on stage, consumers in the audience? In this age of co-creation, that atavism needs to be shaken up. Together with BRYGGEN – Bruges strings, we interrogate tomorrow’s music.

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    Feasts of Fear and Agony | Bram Van Camp

      “Feasts of Fear and Agony”: of expressionist poetry to kinetic typography.

      When Paul van Ostaijen wrote his ‘Feesten van angst en pijn’ (Feasts of Fear and Agony, 1918-1921), he was looking for a new language detached from narrative meaning. Through the use of handwriting, colours and experimental arrangements on the page, he suggests that his poetry does not necessarily have to signify anything concrete.
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