Lazara Rosell Albear – Klaas Verpoest Something that existed before and was incorporated into something that came later.. Sat, 23 Dec 2023 09:03:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sichtlaut – Common Grounds Wed, 17 Jun 2020 12:48:12 +0000 Read More »Sichtlaut – Common Grounds]]> Common Grounds is a cross-disciplinary improvisation performance in which the performers assess how the relationship between visual language, language, movement and sound can be redesigned, materialised again in real time and in relation to each other , the audience and the performance space.

‘Sichtlaut’ is an cross-media improvising collective, combining musicians, visual artists and dancers. Through each performance, they explore the borders of the different media involved.

Teaser: Sichtlaut – Common Grounds

Peter Jacquemyn: Double Base | Voice
Jan Pillaert: bastuba | Voice
Vincent Caers: live electronics
Geraldo Si: dance
Lazara Rosell Albear: dance | pocket trumpet
Sofia Kakouri: dance | pocket trumpet
Klaas Verpoest: live video

Performed on October 24, 2019 – BAC Art Lab, Leuven [B]
Camera | Pierre Michel Zaleski

Full Performance of Sichtlaut – Common Grounds| 24.10.2019 – BAC Art Lab, Leuven [B]
WORP_ cross-media improvising collective Wed, 28 Feb 2018 13:18:16 +0000 Read More »WORP_ cross-media improvising collective]]> ‘WORP’ is an cross-media improvising collective, combining musicians, visual artists and dancers. Through each performance, they explore the borders of the different media involved.

Sound receives a body. Movement creates traces. Form becomes sound. A game of feedback arises, dissolving the contours between instruments, players and material.

Peter Jacquemyn (double bass, voice), Jan Pillaert (tuba, voice), Klaas Verpoest (visuals), Geraldo Si (dance), Vincent Caers (live electronics, percussion) and Sofia Kakouri (dance) have been performing together in different configurations. Fundamental to their collaboration is the improvisational approach, the equality of art-forms and the transfer of each performer’s attitude into an unique interdisciplinary experience, adopting each others strategy.

By definition, music and movement are temporary, mobile and repeatable. Plastic arts are unique, static and made for eternity. The collective brings unique, not repeatable music and exercise combined and confronted with plastic arts and this with a pronounced temporary performance character. The action leads to the idea, the interaction shows the way.

28.10.2017: Impact Session – Vooruit, Gent
26.01.2018: sound//vision at International Film Festival Rotterdam – WORM, Rotterdam
14.10.18: Lovt, Brussels
20.10.18: Open Studio – BatimentA, Leuven

28.11.18: Show Research #7 – Terrarium, Brussels

Peter Jacquemyn: Double Base | Voice
Jan Pillaert: bastuba | Voice
Vincent Caers: live electronics
Klaas Verpoest: live video
Geraldo Si: dance
Lazara Rosell Albear & Sofia Kakouri: dance | pocket trumpet

Pictures by Marilyn Desmet
