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Contemporary Music


    With ‘Minerals’, composer Mathias Coppens redefines the traditional relationship between musicians and listeners. Artists on stage, consumers in the audience? In this age of co-creation, that atavism needs to be shaken up. Together with BRYGGEN – Bruges strings, we interrogate tomorrow’s music.

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    Why Patterns?

      Why Patterns? is a minimalist composition by American composer Morton Feldman and is the starting point for this production. In addition to myself, composers David Fennessy and Jean-Luc Fafchamps are each creating a new composition.

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      The End of Space and Time

        String theory in its many incarnations provides a theoretical framework to answer some of the deepest questions, often with surprising results. At the same time, it raises some disturbing new questions, making painfully clear how little we understand of our Universe.

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